The Problem with Financial Services

By David Anderson In the 10 years I’ve been in the financial services industry, I’m constantly challenged by the way in which this business is servicing clients. In this post, I’d like to outline some of the most common problems within this industry and how we can each do our part to correct them. Product…

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The LIP Startup Story

A Story of Passion Being Realized Why I gave up “job security” to help others secure their financial futures. By David Anderson Mom told me that I started saving money before the age of 8. However, I remember it differently. In fact, I remember saving money the very moment I turned 8 years old. I…

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Adjusting the Chiropractor: An Example of Non-Convincing Language

The beauty of Non-Convincing Language (NCL) is that it can apply in any situation. The other day, I was at a chiropractor’s office (I guess that’s what you get for growing a year older). I met Dr. Clay through a mutual friend of ours at a networking group I attend. We were having lunch at Sonny’s…

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