You can be up and running in 1 day by starting with the Roadmap to Success.

100% Video Trained – No Manuals to read!

The Lifetime Income ProcessTM is a complete system that identifies three areas of your business for focus, improvement and alignment. Those areas include Practice Management, Marketing, and Selling. The system goes one step further than many others out there and incorporates the Non-Convincing Language philosophy alongside the most understandable retirement planning software on the market…for you and the client. 

LIP simplifies your business, increases production, and increases referrals.

80/20 Rule

Couple this with industry-leading training and you will begin to experience the power of LIP in your practice.

How is this for easy, “Mr. & Mrs. Client, green is what you want, red is what your model can support.”  Then just site quietly for the response. Most models will fall short and that moment can be dramatic. 

LIP Model Graphic 1This is a graph with a green line, representing how most of us want to retire. Notice how the green line starts at your current age, and slowly increases throughout the rest of your lifetime and even through retirement ages.

Many retirement analysts suggest we take a reduction in our standard of living (or income) in retirement so our savings can meet our needs during that time. However, who wants to live on LESS money as the cost of living goes up? No one! No one wants to live on 50%-85% of what they’re making once they hit retirement. We don’t want to live on less, we want to live on an income that continues to increase with the cost of inflation and our standard of living. Heck, why not have a pay raise when you retire.

LIP Model Graphic 2

This is where the power of LIP really makes things easy. After testing LIP on over 2,000 retirement plans with Americans all over the country and with a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, incomes, savings, etc…THIS (image to the left) is how 99% of them look. The red line falls off the green line significantly before age 90, and many fall short in their early 70’s.  This simple graph will create some amazing emotions in your client meetings without having to convince or say anything. It really does change behavior and cause your client to take action!

We challenge you to put your clients’ data in the LIP software. What do their models look like? Are you 100% positive you have all the needed information from your clients to give them a complete picture of their retirement outlook?


Roadmap to Success

Learn how to recoup your LIP investment in 90 days or less.
 Step by step instructions on how to introduce LIP to your clients.
– Simple letter to mail your clients
– Simple phone script to set the appointment
Non-Convincing Language Philosophy Training
 Learn a language that helps you easily sell:
– Life Insurance
– Annuities
– Investments
– Disability Income Insurance
– Long Term Care insurance
… to clients without convincing them and remaining product neutral.
 Learn how to get out of the convincing business and get into the sorting business.
 Learn how to eliminate sales pressure from you and your client.
 Learn why we try to convince and how to battle against it.
 Learn the 4 Pillars of NCL and how to apply them to all conversations.
 The Lifetime Income Process TM Software
 LIP Software is a retirement planning tool that can be used from basic planning to full comprehensive planning.  You can actually demonstrate a basic client model in less than 5 minutes!
 You get 2 software licenses.
 FINRA Reviewedfinra-reviewed
 Learn why many traditional beliefs in retirement planning are way off the mark.
 Learn how to get out of needs based planning and get into wants based planning.
 Learn how to dramatically impact and change the behavior of your client in ONE meeting.
 Learn how LIP helps you get ALL of your clients information easily and comfortably.
 Increase your multi-line sales. 
 Easily demonstrate real life events and how they impact your clients retirement future in seconds.
 Financial Calculators
– Future Value Calculator
– Present Value Calculator
– Payment Calculator
– Rate Calculator
– Time Period Calculator
 Simple, Comprehensive, Visual, Fast, Impacting, and most importantly … UNDERSTANDABLE!
The Lifetime Income Process TM Materials
 Opening Meeting Client Presentation (video trained)
– A presentation that helps you introduce the LIP philosophy to your clients.
– After this presentation, your client will want to see their personal financial model on LIP!
 LIP 1 page fact finder
– Eliminate the barrier to getting started that 10, 15, 20 page fact finders can cause.
 LIP 1 page referral guide
– Start working on referrals from the first meeting and in every meeting.
LIP U Logo
LIP University: Your training headquarters!
 Gain access to the online training center for LIP.
 No manual to read or study.  Learn at your own pace.
 LIP is 100% video trained.  Even the LIP materials have videos to explain them.
 All videos and materials are inside LIP U!
Basic Training Videos
 Contact Tab Video
 Income Tab Video
 Liabilities Tab Video
 Investment Tab Video
 Real Estate Tab Video
 Insurance Tab Video
 Legal Tab Video
 Life Events Tab Video
 LIP Model Tab Video
 Income Sheet Tab Video
 Pay Down Tab Video
Meeting Process Videos
 Open Meeting Presentation Video
 First Meeting Training Video
 Second Meeting Training Video
 Third Meeting Training Video
Selling Videos
 Life Insurance Training Video
 Annuities/Investments Training Video
 Disability Income Insurance Training Video
 Long Term Care Insurance Training Video
LIP Materials & Training Videos
 Two Kinds Of People Download w/ Training Video
 Cash Flow Model Download w/ Training Video
 History of Federal Taxation Download w/ Training Video
 History of Inflation Download w/ Training Video
 U.S. Household Income Download w/ Training Video
 U.S. Savings Download w/ Training Video
 The Ideal Financial Product Download w/ Training Video
 Life Events Timeline Download w/ Training Video
 Fact Finder Download w/ Training Video
 Referral Guide Download w/ Training Video


Ongoing Training & Coaching Program
Two live coaching calls per month – 24 per year!
Participate in regular coaching calls and webinars directly with LIP Creator David Anderson on topics such as:
 Planning Strategies
 Non-Convincing Language Dialogue
 Practice Management
 Getting more referrals
… and much more!
LIP Boot Camp
This is a 1 1/2 day sweat job on getting you up to full speed with LIP.  We keep the groups fairly small to give you personal attention in this dynamic hands on workshop.  We cover the basics of the LIP System Process and give you extensive practice using Non-Convincing Language.
We cover practice management, prospecting easily, creating a referral culture, philosophy of Non-Convincing Language, LIP software, case prep, case solutions, and how to close deals with zero convincing.
Come learn how to make selling the easiest thing you have ever done!
* This is part of your subscription, not an up-sale!  Your cost is basically travel and hotel!

Plus more to come …

Your subscription price includes all of this and future updates on more training, more software tools and calculators, more materials, and … did I say more!  You will not get nickel and dimed to death on up-sales!  

We will continue to release more of the tools and ideas we have developed over the last 10 years to add value to your involvement with the mission of LIP: bringing financial balance back into the family.

Why develop another system? 

As a financial professional, you have access to a wide variety of asset allocation software systems, customer relationship management tools and planning widgets. LIP works alongside all of these and actually helps clients understand their current position much more clearly. By using LIP first in the meeting process, you will define your recommended strategies so clients can make decisions more quickly. The complexity of long spreadsheets and pie charts is no longer in your way. Clients immediately understand the 2-line graph and will be asking you for the products that will solve their retirement challenges.

Ultimately, LIP challenges the status quo of retirement planning and helps clients easily see and understand whether or not their long term plan is in balance and on track to a secure retirement. It allows you to remove confusion for faster decision making.

LIP enhances the way you do business, it does not interfere with it!


We don’t like to think of LIP as a cost.

A cost is something that takes away money.

An investment is something that should make money.

Simplify your practice, increase your production, and eliminate sales pressure!

Email for LIP Purchase and/or Pricing

* Check with your FMO/IMO for discounts if they are a carrier of LIP.
* Email us at for bulk pricing for agencies or groups.